Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Beautiful Lake Shots

What can I say about this photo? It's purely my favorite capture during my time traveling around Malaysia. Of course some tricks were taken to capture the view but which photographer doesn't, am I right?

It was early in the morning where this shot was taken. At first, I planned to capture the photo of the island by itself but gave myself a second thought due to the emptiness the photo would carry. Then, I found a place where it had a lot of things going around with a tree and old logs scattered around. A good shot with the island as the background.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Black and White : Nature Shots

Taking photos of sun can be boring and sometimes not successful. However, I've added something different to this photo. I took the picture behind shrubs adding more meaning to it. What makes it special is that everytime I look at this photo, it reminds me of my time relaxing by the beach facing the ocean while the sun sets surrounded by greeneries.

Who says sea rocks are not interesting?! This photo was taken in Beirut, Lebanon. The significance of this photo is seen by how nice the rocks arranged themselves to form up such a beautiful scenery. The calm ocean behind these rocks make a great background without outshining my specimen, the sea rocks.

This photo was taken in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It brings so much meaning with mother nature surrounding it. The emotion of the photo comes out even more with the B&W color. Dayyum!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Conceptual Shots Part 2

Cute girl huh? The girl is all dressed up in this photo looking at best. By the way, coming up with both parts of the conceptual shots took me time. I'm kinda glad and satisfied with the work.

For further detail, you are welcome to contact me at Thank you.

Conceptual Shots Part 1

These shots were taken in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. No doubt these photos went through processing, a negative photo as well as a sepia photo.

For further details, you are welcome to contact me at Thank you.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Random Photos

These shots are randomly taken in Lebanon. That's right still Lebanon. I'm working on two photoshoot projects which I will post soon.

For further details, you are welcome to contact me at Thank you.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Portfolio - The Sun

I took these photos in Beirut, Lebanon. As it is seen in these photos, the sun is covered by clouds while it sinks into the ocean at the end of winter 2008.

For further details, you are welcome to contact me at Thank you.

Friday, February 15, 2008


This blog contains photos which I've taken throughout my time as an amateur photographer. Consider this as my portfolio. Apart from that, anyone who is interested in contacting as well as purchasing the photos can mail me at Thank you.